Even though the manifestation of Karma is generally linked with “give and take” , “action or reaction”, “what you give is what you get” , and “cause and effect”, which are more prominent, it is important to realize that manifestation is also co-dependent on the nature of our Karmic impressions and thus on our Chakras. These impressions can lead to the formation of your thoughts, feelings and the beliefs that ultimately manifest the life that you experience.
As the Chakras focus on alignment of these different aspects of yourself; a blockage within these chakras due to our Karmic impression can also cause misalignment within these aspects. The Seven Chakras internalize our Karmic energies into the physical body, and then become responsible for initiating or blocking us from manifesting the life that we want.
Let’s delve deep into how this happens by taking the emotion of “Fear” as our example;
Fear, as an ingrained emotion, could be a product of a personal Karmic impression. This fear can find its seat in the corresponding Chakras depending upon its nature; like the fear of survival, the fear of abundance and so on. It then accumulates within that Chakra and creates blockages, which are experienced as the feeling of fear on various levels.
The fear of survival will accumulate in the form of a karmic blockage in the Root Chakra. It prevents one from enjoying the gifts of Earth energy to the fullest. It hinders the confidence one has in his existence, his life and his survival.
The fear of creativity is associated with fear of creating your world, your children, starting something new and being innovative. This will accumulate in and create misalignment in the Sacral Chakra.
On similar lines, a weak Naval Chakra, is one that accumulates possibly the fear of Abundance. This can create blockages by making one fearful of prosperity, of progress and of wealth. Self-esteem issues and low self-worth are some effects of a karmic blockage within this Chakra. The strength of this Chakra makes or breaks one’s inner deservingness for the beautiful life that one may want.
As the Heart Chakra is the center of connection, compassion and love, a residence of fear in the heart chakra blocks one from experiencing love to the fullest. Instability in this fourth chakra hinders the attraction of love and opens space for chances of betrayal and also arises doubt, hate and issues of trust.
Fear of expressing your truth and the inability to be your true self and communicating to the world arises when the emotion of fear penetrates and gets accumulated into the Throat Chakra.
The fear related to spirituality can take abode in the Third-eye chakra and prevent one from reaching beyond the senses and towards the true self.
A depiction like this makes you realize that aligning your Chakras is an important aspect of looking after yourself to prevent them from blocking your manifestation of life.