
“I highly recommend Sanjeev's latest course:  Demystifying the Mind.

Sanjeev is a kind and compassionate teacher! He is genuinely concerned about helping all of his students improve their quality of life. The course information is easy to understand and the healing strategies are life changing! Sanjeev empowers his students in every session with a variety of breathing techniques as well as strategies for increasing one's self-awareness.  His soothing voice brings a feeling of calm as he walks you through guided meditations.  All the techniques are intended to be implemented into a daily practice and crucial for overall contentment. The most noticeable improvements I experienced were reduced anxiety, decreased stress and overall feeling of peace.  I am deeply grateful for having had this opportunity to improve my life and look forward to continued wellbeing! I encourage all seekers to join Sanjeev as he strives to improve the lives of those who are dedicated to self-improvement and to help make the world a better place one student at a time!  Blessings to all who choose to follow this path on their healing journey!”

Kathleen Kalbas

Manufacturing Business Owner, Texas USA

“Working with Sanjeev Varma has been a life altering and mind expanding experience for me. We met several years ago, at a personally challenging time for me. At that time, I didn’t feel like I could cope or move through the experience .  Through the mind transformation program, he taught me the process of being present and accepting in a way that I could understand and process.  This has been healing and more than anything, has become my toolkit as I move through  life and the various challenges we all face. Sanjeevji has a gift and works with each client at their pace and comfort. To this day, he continues to be a source of strength and healing and a trusted spiritual teacher I turn to.”

Kavita Munjal

Associate Vice President., Health Sciences Advancement USC, Los Angeles

I am a meditation practitioner and have been for a number of years, specifically TM. I know the power of a mantra during meditation, though I had never worked with sound and breath before in Sanjeev’s unique and powerful way. Coming off a hard year that included a divorce, Sanjeev expertly guided me through healing and letting go of so much of my past, so I can practice being more fully in this present. I am deeply grateful to him!

Maria Goyanes

Artistic Director, Theatre Company, Washington DC, USA

Sanjeev is truly a gifted healer with heart and intuition. He’s helped me manifest many new things this year. His techniques are cutting-edge in repairing generational trauma.

Gary Giglio

Partner Major Investment Bank, Manhattan, New York, USA

I went through sound vibration sessions with Sanjeev Verma recently and it was one of the most transformative and cleansing experiences. I was amazed when I became aware and conscious of all that I was carrying within me and it was easy to let go and heal. Apart from healing, it also helps you positively manifest your current reality and future. Sound vibration meditation practice is definitely very powerful and I intend to make it a part of my daily practice.

Shachi Rai Gupta

New Jersey, Global Head of Strategy, Bristol Myers Squibb

My work with Sanjeev has been truly and profoundly transformational! He infuses an uncanny mix of compassion, wisdom, and inquiry into the work that is truly healing. As I have put into practice both the sound vibration mantras he prescribed for me, as well as the affirmations we designed together, I have seen a tremendous manifestation of new, positive and huge attraction energy in my life!

Therese O'Neill

Educator, San Francisco, USA

I have an oasis of calm inspired by Sanjeev through his teachings. I carry this calm with me everywhere, thanks to Sanjeev’s methods.

Kevin Lee

Fashion designer and TV show fame of, Brides of Beverly Hills

These days there are so few people who have truly mastered Vedic arts, & I feel that Sanjeev has. It has truly been an honor & a privilege to work with Sanjeev & I believe with his wisdom & SKILL he will be able to help countless people who may be in need. People like him who use Love as his guide are here on this earth as a treasure to make the world a better place!

Steven Seagal

Hollywood Actor

I feel so fortunate and blessed to have been guided and helped by Sanjeev Verma. His unique approach is exceptionally effective at helping you clear relationship karma so you can experience the love you've been longing for. My relationship has grown even richer and more fulfilling since I’ve worked with Sanjeev. If you want to fulfill your heart’s deepest desire for the right love relationship, I highly recommend you jump on any opportunity to work with Sanjeev and his breakthrough karma clearing program.

Marci Shimoff

NY Times Bestselling Author,Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

I started my journey with Sanjeev in January of this year 2023, I did a ten-week program that changed my life!  The experience and the techniques he taught me where amazing.  The breathing, meditation, and chanting, among other things have made a magnificent and positive change in my life.  I am so grateful to have gained the knowledge I have with study under Sanjeev’s guidance

Laina Poulakos

Sanjeev holds a wealth of wisdom and insight which he generously shares along with personalized sound mantras. I love the ancient Vedic Sound Mantras, they have become part of my daily practice, I feel very grounded and centered, and clear. It has been amazing how life responds differently as a result of the changes that start from deep within. I have found them very enlightening, enabling me to have many ‘Aha’ moments! Thank you!


Business Consultant and Coach, London, England

"Now that the program is done, it's clear that this was exactly what I needed at this stage in my journey. Sanjeev showed me the tools I needed in order to clear the path for my prophecy. The meditations that Sanjeev imparted on me have quickly proven to be tremendously powerful. They have changed my entire perspective on spiritual practice and have brought me closer to God and introduced me to the world of constant change what discovering God takes daily precedence. My perspective is in constant motion, changing and continuously growing clearer yet deeper and more gracious. 

In short, Sanjeev Gave me the tools I desperately needed in order to catapult myself into a much deeper and profound way of living."

Mikhael Bassilli

Film Producer

I did a karma clearing with Sanjeev for a week. One of my mornings, I broke down crying. He is so patient and so calm and he works through your emotional trauma with you. It was a really good experience that you can’t put words to. It is a transformational process and a safe place. Afterward, someone that I’d recently broken up with called me and wanted to come back in my life as a bigger and better version of himself. When you vibrate differently, the Universe and your outside world responds accordingly. I highly recommend working with Sanjeev.

Marie Heiland

Owner- Naples Olive Oil Co., Naples, Florida, USA

Sanjeev has taught me, through Vedic sciences, thought transformation and yoga, how to live an enlightened existence. He has lifted my spirit and changed my life in a most profound way.

Jason Flom

Owner Lava Records & Music Record Industry Legend

Sanjeev’s insights…reveal a much deeper level of understanding of the power of our conscious and unconscious thoughts.

Deepak Chopra

NY Times bestseller

Sanjeev is a master astrologer who is committed to providing thoughtful and accurate information.

Arielle Ford

Relationship Coach and NY Times Bestseller

Sanjeev combines his in-depth knowledge of Vedic sciences with his own personal intuition to provide remarkable guidance. I highly recommend his work.

Eileen Croft

Hollywood Film Producer

Sanjeev has a great insight into Vedic knowledge and Astrology. Enough to turn a skeptic like me into a seeker of the principles behind the Art that is both instinctive and scientific at the same time.

Shekhar Kapoor

Film Director

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